Friday, June 21, 2019
Ever since I was a very small puppy, I frequently slept on my back.  Now that I'm 2, I still sleep like this...air out my underside and stay cool in the heat.
Maybe if I give you my best puppy-dog eyes, you'll play with me?

I seriously can't believe you got me up this early!
Peanut butter flavored bubbles!  

I'm a beautiful Keeshond!

Even my profile is stunning!
Bully sticks help keep my teeth clean but it looks instead like I have a cigar in my mouth!
I went out this morning to chase butterflies and when I came inside, my people noticed something right on the top of my head.  Spiderman has his web and spider,
Superman has his "S", and Maestro has an "M" right on the top of his head.